There will be a hearing on this on:
Friday, September 11
at 9:00 AM
Charlottesville Circuit Court (315 East High Street)
We would love to have PHAR and supporters in attendance, and the hearing should be very interesting!
As you may know, the Charlottesville Police Department released info a while back showing that 70% of all stops in the city were of African-Americans. We have learned that only a small number of those have resulted in any arrest, action, court appearances or convictions. PHAR and the NAACP want to know why this is! We requested access to police narratives of the stops, which were instituted by Chief Longo in order to monitor his officers behavior. The Chief originally agreed to give us the information, but then changed his mind, so we filed a lawsuit against the City of Charlottesville.
Recently the court did not dismiss the suit as requested by the city, so it now goes to an evidentiary hearing.
This should be really interesting! See you Friday (wear your red PHAR t-shirt if you have one!)
Brandon Collins
Organizer, Public Housing Association of Residents (PHAR)
Office: (434) 984-3255
Cell: (434) 249-3312
1000 Preston Ave, Suite C
Charlottesville, Va 22903