Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 15, 2024

This day – Monday, January 15, 2024 – falls on the actual birthday of the celebrated civil rights icon.

In 1983, Congress designated MLK Day as a federal holiday. This day is observed by many as a day of service. It is also a day to reflect upon the impact which the civil rights leader has made in voting rights, racial injustice, and inequality.

Dr. King may be remembered by most people for his “I Had a Dream” speech. As we remember what Dr. King expressed in his speech, it appears that in today’s polarized climate, we might ask ourselves, will the Dream ever become a reality? It seems that the response of a segment of the populus appears to disavow the Dream as a possibility of ever becoming reality. But we must remember that hope springs eternal, and continue to accept the seemingly never-ending challenges of life in order that one day, our children and grandchildren will be the recipients of our efforts. When We Fight, We Win!

Janette B. Martin, President

Albemarle-Charlottesville NAACP