The corona virus pandemic focused the nation’s attention on the essential role public schools play in the lives of families and communities. It’s also exposed the severe racial inequalities that continue to plague our education system and disadvantage students of color. But rather than addressing these problems, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, fully supported and endorsed by the Trump Administration, took action to exploit the pandemic and promote her personal agenda of funneling taxpayer dollars to private schools and taking resources away from the schools and the students who need it most. We weren’t just going to standby and watch it happen. That’s why we sued on behalf of students of color across the nation – and we WON! This decision sends a clear signal that Secretary DeVos cannot use illegal means to advance her harmful agenda to the detriment of our highest need students. Janette, we didn’t stop with Betsy DeVos. We also sued Governor DeSantis in Florida for trying to force schools to reopen in August – endangering teachers and students alike. The court found that DeSantis arbitrarily prioritized reopening schools statewide over the safety and the advice of health experts. This decision showed that the DeSantis Order was unconstitutional to the extent that it arbitrarily disregards safety, denies local school boards decision making with respect to reopening brick and mortar schools, and conditions funding on an approved reopening plan. These cases are great victories but when it comes to confronting and overcoming the systemic racism that is deeply rooted in our education system, the fight is far from over! Janette, will you make a generous donation today to help us continue to tackle these challenges and protect our nation’s school children? The march continues, Janette McCarthy-Wallace NAACP, Interim General Counsel |