Walking While Black Film’s First Two Licensees

Walking While Black: L.O.V.E. Is the Answer

New Harvest Ministries in Baltimore, MD (Bishop Marcus Johnson) and the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library in Charlottesville, VA (referred by the Albemarle/Charlottesville NAACP) have become the first two organizations in the world to license the upcoming documentary film "Walking While Black: L.O.V.E. Is the Answer" (www.walkingwhileblackthemovie.com).  As pre-completion financial supporters, their organization names will roll in the credits of the film and they will receive other benefits such as filmmakers attending one of their screenings and participating in a Q&A.

This is an important milestone for the development of a film that is offering a much-needed solution to racial profiling.  

Pre-completion licensees are literally helping to get the film made.  Funds raised from these early-adopters will go towards covering production and development expenses.  We have a deadline to raise $7,500 by 3/1/16 to cover expenses for a 3/18-23 shoot in Baltimore and Washington.  If we shoot in March, we anticipate completing the film before the November Presidential election.  That would be a huge win since racial equality is a major campaign issue.  If we miss that deadline, we'll have to shoot the film in November, which means completing the film in mid-2017.  The difference between the two completion dates is immeasurable.

Organizations that license the film by 3/1/16 will receive the license for only $295 per year (a $200 discount each year) including access to all of the online educational materials we create to accompany the film.  A license grants an organization the right to screen the film at its location as many times as it likes.  If viewers are charged $5 for the screening and a discussion, the organization only needs 59 viewers to recoup the $295.  In a classroom setting, a mere 1 or two screenings of the film should make the film pay for itself.  The organization can then use any profits it generates from screenings and workshops to further their own human rights programming.  It's a great investment for any organization that is committed to helping end racial profiling through education that leads to changes in hearts.  

The licensing agreement for the Walking While Black documentary film is attached.  This agreement provides the framework for how an organization (ministry, law enforcement agency, human rights nonprofit, school, library, company, etc.) can use the film as a tool to transform relationships between peace officers and the rest of the community through the truly collaborative community policing model of L.O.V.E. (Learn, Open your heart, Volunteer yourself in service and Empower others to do the same).

Teamwork makes the dream work.  We have a lot of work to do to realize the dream of racial equality in America.  Encourage organizations you're involved with to secure a license by 3/1 and together we'll make this film, and the dream of racial equality, a reality!  We only need 26 licensees by 3/1 to enable us to shoot in March and 85 licensees nationwide total for us to complete the production and editing of a film that can provide a positive benefit to millions of people nationwide.  We all know that racial profiling makes America weaker.  Here's your chance to make America greater. 

Join us – by licensing (see below) or joining the fundraising campaign by clicking here.

Secure a license in two easy steps:
1.  Fill out the attached form (click here to download), scan and return it to me via email.
2.  Visit www.walkingwhileblackthemovie.com, press the "Donate Now" button and select the "Licensee" option to pay the $295 fee.   

My best,

A.J. Ali
Director & Executive Producer
Walking While Black: L.O.V.E. Is The Answer
323-577-5976 or 443-463-5009