March 7, 2024

Battalion Chief Lance Blakey Accepted Into IAFC Diversity Executive Leadership Program

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA – The International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) president, John Butler, announced the individuals who have been accepted into the IAFC Diversity Executive Leadership Program.

Charlottesville Fire Department’s Battalion Chief, Lance Blakey, was 1 of 15 selected nationwide for the highly selective program. Chief Blakey, the first African American Battalion Chief in CFD’s 166-year history, was promoted in 2022. His commitment to his community and ability to drive positive change played a pivotal role in his selection.

The iDELP program created by the IAFC in 2016 cultivates current and future leaders from under-represented groups using networking, professional development guidance, and involvement in strategic opportunities to elevate inclusiveness within the IAFC. Under President Butler’s leadership, the iDELP program has expanded to include formal learning objectives that focus on the challenges and impacts faced by leaders and fire service organizations as they relate to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB).

During the 18-month cohort, iDELP fellows will learn from subject matter experts, develop solutions to current and emerging issues, and share those initiatives with the fire and emergency services community.

The iDELP program is one of the premier fire and emergency services DEIB educational programs offered. Focused on preparing individuals to be successful DEIB-thought leaders and solutions catalysts, this unique program is one of many ways that the IAFC is molding the fire and emergency service leaders of tomorrow.

Lance Blakey Alternate Headshot

Media Contact
Kyle Ervin
Public Safety Information Officer
City of Charlottesville