Dear Region VII Family,

 On Februday12, 2014 the NAACP celebrates its 105th Birthday. Since 1909 our mission of fighting for justice and equality has remained the same, but the tactics we use to achieve victory continue to evolve. In 2014, we know many of our battles and victories will take place in state houses, city halls and school board chambers across Region VII and the nation. As we fight these local and state battles, communication is key to ensuring wins in 2014 and beyond.

“THE CORE OF WORK OF THE NAACP TODAY, AS IN THE PAST— STILL DEPENDS ON VOLUNTEERS — LIKE YOU . . . , DEDICATED, DEVOTED AND LOYAL CIVIL RIGHTS SOLDIERS HERE IN REGION VII AND THROUGHOUT THE NATION.  You are the voice for the voiceless and the hope for the hopeless.  You are a part of a great and noble tradition.  You are the heart and soul of the NAACP.  You are on the front lines of democracy and fairness in your communities.  You are the men and women who hear the complaints of discrimination, who monitor the school boards, the county [supervisors] and city council meetings, who police the police, who register the voters, educate the voters and who are directly responsible for getting the voters to the polls on Election Day.  

 You are the ones — that sometimes find yourselves frustrated and bewildered by those you try to help — when they turn their back on you and will not even buy a membership in the NAACP — and then complain that we are not doing enough — when most often they have not done anything.  The comedian/civil rights Activist Dick Gregory often points out that when black people need help they first call on God — then they call the NAACP.

You are the ones who are frequently misunderstood and all too often ridiculed for addressing issues that are just and right in our society.

You are the ones that are tough enough to fight, tender enough to cry, human enough to make mistakes, humble enough to admit them, strong enough to absorb the pain, and resilient enough to bounce back and keep on moving.”  

(Rev. Charles White, NAACP National Field Director)


Until victory is won,

Rion Dennis Regional Field Director – Mid-Atlantic Region
Region VII – DC, MD, & VA
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
4805 Mt. Hope Drive
Baltimore, MD 21215
O: 410. 580.5133
C: 443. 540.1491