Memorial to Lynching: Community Civil Rights Pilgrimage

Jefferson School

Memorial to Lynching: Community Civil Rights Pilgrimage

On July 8th at 8 am, as many as 110 people will “get on the bus” to begin the Community Civil Rights Pilgrimage. Their ultimate goal is to bring soil collected from the site where John Henry James was lynched in 1898, to the newly opened Equal Justice Initiative’s Monument to Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Al. We hope to deliver our soil on July 12th–the 120th anniversary of Mr. James’ murder. Along the way we will make stops to some of the most important civil rights sites in the country. On the bus will be students, teachers, and other community members as well as historians to provide information as we move from one site to another. We will also be accompanied by clergy and therapists to help us process during difficult moments.

The trip dates are July 8 – 13, 2018. Total cost for this five night/six day all-inclusive excursion is $1,500. Hotel rooms are double occupancy and a per diem and cost of hotel is included in the price. A 50% deposit is needed to hold your spot.

Checks should be made to the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center with a notation Civil Rights Pilgrimage. Our mailing address is 233 4th St, NW Charlottesville, VA  22903.

If you earn below $47,000 per year then you are eligible to register as a low income member of our community for the pilgrimage. We presently have 30 slots available and will fill them on a first come, first serve basis.

To register as a low income community member,  you must provide a W2 form or two pay stubs as proof. If you do not have this information,  please contact us anyway. Please send this information to with your name address and a method of contacting you.  If you are a household, we will need the names of all members who would like to attend.

We hope to extend the opportunity to engage in this once in a lifetime experience with students, teachers and low income members of our community. If you would like to donate to the cause please 


Andrea Douglas, MBA, PhD
Executive Director 
Jefferson School African American
Heritage Center

434 260-8724

Jefferson School City Center, a Community Center for the 21st Century