Albemarle-Charlottesville NAACP (Branch #7057)
2016 Year-End Report–2016
The 2016 agenda of the Albemarle-Charlottesville NAACP Branch was focused and purposeful. As president, I have represented the branch throughout the year at various community events and forums speaking to issues of civil rights –at churches, at university student organization meetings, at city council meetings and in other public venues. I've also produced written and spoken commentary on civil rights that was published in the local Daily Progress newspaper and carried by local television and radio media. I attended the NAACP National Convention and the Virginia State Conference.
I also served on the University of Virginia Slavery Commission.
The branch's primary activities throughout the year involved assisting individuals in the community in addressing racism, discrimination and civil rights issues, providing information regarding important community issues, engaging in voter registration and soliciting NAACP membership.
In addition to updates on ongoing civil rights work in the community, our monthly meeting agendas included presentations on relevant and important topics such as:
Jan–.Hypertension/ Blood Pressure Health
Feb- NAACP Founders Day Commemoration
March – Use of DNA in Law Enforcement & the African American Community
April – Restoration of Ex-Felons' Voting Rights in Virginia
May – Discussion of Bryan Stevenson's Just Mercy: Justice and Redemption
June – Special Education and Parents' Rights
July – History of the Albemarle-Charlottesville African American Community
Aug. – Health Goals for the African American Community
Sept-Oct-Nov. Branch Election Process
During the course of the election process (Sept-Oct-Nov.), we gained over 125 members –including new members and renewals. Hopefully this increase in membership will enhance participation and provide the branch with new opportunities to build and grow and engage in increasingly effective civil rights work in the Albemarle-Charlottesville community.
M. Rick Turner, President